TYPE: New Regular Meeting
DATE: 11/27/2023       TIME: 7:00 PM
LOCATION: Mayflower Room, PPS Central Offices
7:00 PM 1.0 Call to Order
1.1 Chairperson's Call to Order Info
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
Approve as Presented
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance Info
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
7:01 PM 2.0 Comments from the General Public
2.1 Comments from Community Members Info
To receive comments from members of the Plymouth community.
7:06 PM 3.0 School Committee Commendations
3.1 Moment of Silence for Nancy Roderick - Central Office Special Education Secretary Info
To observe a moment of silence for a former school department colleague, Nancy Roderick. Nancy worked as a Secretary for the Special Education Department at Central Office for 7 years. She started in 2016 and retired in 2023. We thank Nancy for her years of service.
3.2 Moment of Silence for Diane Soares - Food Services at PCIS and PNHS Info
To observe a moment of silence for a former school department colleague, Diane Soares. Diane worked as a Kitchen Manager for PCIS and PNHS for 39 years. She started in 1979 and retired in 2018. We thank Diane for her years of service to our children.
7:07 PM 4.0 Student Representative Reports
4.1 Plymouth North HS - Quinn Hales Info
4.2 Plymouth South HS - Lillian Morse Info
7:17 PM 5.0 Informational Items
5.1 Children's Business Fair - Dr. Kelly Bitinas & Mrs. Erica Manfredi Info
7:27 PM 6.0 School Committee Matters
6.1 PNHS/PSHS Washington, DC (Dream Ride) Field Trip - Dr. Gary Maestas Info/Action
To receive recommendation(s) relative to the proposed North High and South High out-of-state field trip, and take the necessary action(s).
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That the proposed PNHS/PSHS Out-of-State Field Trip be accepted and approved as presented.
6.2 Student International Study Proposal - Dr. Gary Maestas Info/Action
To receive a proposal relative to Student International Study with China.
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That the proposed Student International Study Proposal be accepted and approved as presented.
7:37 PM 7.0 Other School Committee Matters
7.1 DEI Resolution Info/Action
To receive recommendation(s) relative to the DEI Resolutions and take the necessary action(s).
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That the School Committee Official Voting Delegate to MASC be authorized to vote at the MASC Annual Business Meeting on behalf of the Plymouth School Committee.
7.2 Donation from Plymouth Fire Relief Association to PECC Action
To receive and acknowledge correspondence to the Plymouth School Committee.
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That the donation from the Plymouth Fire Relief Association be accepted and approved as presented.
7.3 Donation from COLOURS, Inc. to PSHS - Dr. Adam Blaisdell & Mr. Chris Baker Action
To receive and acknowledge the donation to Plymouth South High School from COLOURS, Inc.
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That the donation from COLOURS, Inc. be accepted and approved as presented.
7:47 PM 8.0 Communications
A) Superintendent's Report
8.1 Reports and Proposals from the Superintendent
* National Blue Ribbon Conference: Manomet Elementary * Strategic Planning Process: Focus Group Sessions * FY25 Budget Proposal
7:58 PM 9.0 Reports
A) Committee Member Reports
9.1 MASC Conference Update
B) Plymouth Building Committee Reports
C) Personnel Reports
9.2 Appointments, Leaves of Absence, and Resignations
To receive a report from Human Resources relative to recent appointments, leaves of absence, and resignations.
8:11 PM 10.0 Unfinished and New Business
8:18 PM 11.0 Approval of Consent Agenda Action
11.1 Disposal of Obsolete Equipment Action
To receive recommendation(s) relative to the Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and take the necessary action(s).
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That the request to dispose of Obsolete Equipment be accepted and approved as presented.
A) Minutes
11.2 Minutes - October 16, 2023
To receive recommendation(s)relative to the minutes of the School Committee meeting and take the necessary action(s).
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That the minutes of the October 16, 2023, School Committee meeting be accepted and approved as presented.
B) Home Education Plans
11.3 Home Schooling Plan Approval - #151-24
To receive recommendations relative to the approval of School Year 2023-2024 Home Education Plan #151-24 and take the necessary action(s).
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That Home Education Plans #151-24 for School Year 2023-24 be accepted and approved as presented.
C) Schedule of Bills
11.4 Accounts Payable Warrant #S112223
To receive an FY24 Approval Memo and FY24 Accounts Payable Warrant #S112223 for review and take the necessary action(s).
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That the Plymouth School Committee accept and approve the Report and Accounts Payable Warrant #S112223, dated November 22, 2023, in the amount of $629,859.81 as presented.
11.5 Grants and Revolving Funds Warrant #G112223
To receive Schedule of Bills and FY24 Grants and Revolving Funds Warrant #G112223 for review and take the necessary actions(s).
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That the Plymouth School Committee accept and approve the Grants and Revolving Funds Warrant #G112223, dated november 22, 2023 , in the amount of $486,802.50, as presented.
8:28 PM 12.0 Items Pulled from Consent Agenda
8:29 PM 13.0 Adjournment
13.1 Chairperson's Adjournment Info
To adjourn the regular meeting of the Plymouth School Committee.
In compliance with Open Meeting Law, this agenda lists all topics that the chair reasonably anticipates, 48 hours in advance, will be discussed at the meeting.